Bronze group:
3 weekly practices offered on Sunday 1-2pm (Jan/Feb only), Monday (March/April only),Tuesday, Thursday 4:15 –
5pm (with the exception of holiday pool closures)
Ability requirements: minimum age of 7 with experience in at least one
summer league season. Must be proficient in Freestyle and Backstroke with ability to complete 50 meters
unassisted in no more than 2 minutes.
· Bronze group Monthly fees: $80
Silver Group: 3
weekly practices offered Jan & Feb, 4 weekly practices Mar &Apr: Sunday 1-2 pm (Jan/Feb/March), Monday (March/April
only), Tuesday, Thursday 5-6pm (NOTE: April only, Sunday practices are 11-12pm).
· Ability requirements: must be proficient in all 4 strokes with experience in 2 or more summer
league seasons (or equivalent). Must have ability to complete a 50 yard freestyle in 1 minute or less.
Should attend at least 3 practices per week.
· Silver Monthly fees: $80 Jan/Feb, $95 Mar/Apr